What I Had for Lunch Today: Tian

Today was a Mattunes concert at Maggie's. Lunch was cooked by the supremely talented Greg, who can make anything and everything in the kitchen, including the kitchen sink, literally. (There's remodeling and there's remodeling. Who makes the sink from scratch??)
We had tian, corn salad, pickles (yes, homemade), and a terrific yeasty bread drizzled with olive oil. Dessert was biscotti and coffee. Sandwiched in between was a primo concert by the Pioneer Consort, a trio who play a variety of stringed instuments, mainly violin, cello and banjo or banjar. If you want to know what a banjar sounds like, buy one of their albums. Money well spent. I did, and I ran right home and played it a couple of times. Makes me want to have a secret tryst, just so I can hire them to play gypsy music at a candlelit tête-à-tête.
We had tian, corn salad, pickles (yes, homemade), and a terrific yeasty bread drizzled with olive oil. Dessert was biscotti and coffee. Sandwiched in between was a primo concert by the Pioneer Consort, a trio who play a variety of stringed instuments, mainly violin, cello and banjo or banjar. If you want to know what a banjar sounds like, buy one of their albums. Money well spent. I did, and I ran right home and played it a couple of times. Makes me want to have a secret tryst, just so I can hire them to play gypsy music at a candlelit tête-à-tête.