Sri Satyanarayana Temple

She's a Brahmin, and this will be the boy's introduction into his varna, or caste. Many Hindu families today, especially outside of India, perform this ceremony themselves, with the father officiating, but Priya is not one to do things half-cocked. Hence the fetching of a priest from one state over.
Whereas in India every corner would have a temple, dedicated to a particular god, the Sri Satyanarayana Temple is a kind of Grand Central for many sects. Ganesha is next to Shiva is next to Hanuman; there's a Jain section, a North and a South Indian section. You just go to whichever part of the temple you feel comfortable in and do your thing.
It's a good thing we made a dry run, because there was some mix-up as to which priest would be available, and when he would need to be scooped up. Luckily for me, the original priest has jumped ship in favor of a wedding (and probably a larger donation), so Priya gets priest #2. Priest #2 speaks a little English at least. My Hindi is nonexistent. And if I screw up, there'll be no Upanayana next week.