Silver Lining

Rain means clouds, and clouds mean interesting skies. Somebody with a little more meteorological savvy than I might know what kind of clouds I was passing under this afternoon as I drove through Hadley. Fast-moving and wild--they looked like they were going to engulf the mall.
These particular clouds didn't dump any rain on me. They kept on moving--thankfully, as I had a project involving a fifteen-foot Budget rental truck and some upholstered items that would not be improved by getting wet. I was watching stars twinkling overhead as I finished up.
Forecast for tomorrow: showers.
Forecast for the day after tomorrow: thundershowers.
Bring it on, Mother Nature! My chimneys have been fixed, my downspouts have been fixed, and the moving's done. I've got rubber boots, a yellow slicker, and a dog who's half Lab. I'm all set to enjoy whatever comes.