Little Lights

Light fixtures are high on the list of stuff I'd like to make. I spent several years as a decorator, and one thing I learned was the importance of lighting, to highlight what's in the interior and to create drama. Light seems an enchanting medium to play with.
Unfortunately, the fixtures themselves are often unaesthetic. I dislike the clunky plastic-coated wires and the ugly sockets, switches, bushings, and plugs. If I made fixtures, every part would be beautiful.
Strings of lights in particular would be fun to fabricate. I wouldn't mind a couple of dozen of these sets of little Chinese lanterns. Perfect for a backyard party.
It won't happen this summer....I'm too busy, and too broke. But it's probably going to go on the napkin this New Year's. Along with the patio and the fence. If I can hang onto this house for another year, anyway, I'll definitely have something to celebrate.