Diary February 26 1960: Sweet Dreams of Olympic Skaters

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"Dear Diary--
Not much today, either. "Applied more Saccharin." Same reaction. I cleaned in cooking today.
No Science test as expected (and that cat is still there, too.
I think OPPERATION PETTICOAT ends tonight, but there's always roller skating, or Journey to the Center of the Earth (or staying home).
Saw the Olympics. David Jenkins won in the free skating, consequently tonight's dream, good-bye."
I'm pretty sure the cat I refer to is the dead one in science class, meant for dissection. It seems to me that that was an eighth-grade project, but I would've seen the dead animal in the classroom. Who says the world is going to hell in an handbasket? At least today we have computer simulations to do the same thing, while inflicting less horror...on both the students and the cats.