Bad Poetry: Fred Emerson Brooks

Brooks was touted as "Always Smiling. Always There. The Man Who Never Disappoints." The Central Lyceum Board of Chicago gushed about him: "To supply the place of Brooks we would have to secure the best humorist, the finest orator, a star actor, the foremost character delineator, a dialect reader, a story-teller, a ventriloquist, an animal imitator, and there would still be lacking the author."
This is an except from Old Eagle. Not too many words rhyme with "eagle," but that doesn't worry Fred:
From thine eyrie, the crag,
Watch over thy flag,
And ne'er let it trail in the dust!
Soaring high in the air
Ever this aegis bear:
"In Freedom and God is our Trust."
Fear not, grand eagle,
The bay of the beagle!
Labels: bad poetry, poetry