Diary March 27, 1960: Mom Saves the Day...with Hand-me-downs
"Dear Diary--
Today I thought would be a total failure. But Mom saved it. At about 3:00 she called me upstairs, and I tried on everything from bathing suits to genuine Saks Fifth Avenue dresses and blouses. And so many things fit, that really hung on me last year! (In the fall). Then I picked out some blue velveteen slacks (kind of baggy), patent leather pumps, a gray beret, pink (very bright) and white-striped blouse (buttons covered with the material) and, over that, a bright yellow cotton jacket with brass buckles. I pinned a corsage on the lapel, and walked around like that.
I finished copying 'Simba.'
P.S. Made up with Kathy--good or bad?"