
The announcement was made by the Republican candidate for governor, current Lt. Governor Kerry Healey. Coincidence that this announcement was made just two weeks before the election? (Democratic contender Deval Patrick is way ahead in the polls.)
Lots of statistics and predictions have been flying back and forth on both sides of the issue. The one fact I have not heard mentioned is that, back in 1957 when the Pike was opened, it was announced that tolls would be lifted as soon as the road was paid for. Tolls were never intended for maintenance of the Pike.
The original logo for the Massachusetts Turnpike depicted Paul Revere riding his horse. Not too long after the Pike opened, the logo was changed to a Pilgrim hat with an Indian arrow through it. In 1990, the arrow was removed in the interests of political correctness.
Personally, I'm partial to the version with the arrow. That's the one I remember, growing up in this state. Plus it's appropriate, given that for years we Massachusetts motorists have been getting shafted.