Taz and Zuzu

The theme of this first book, suggested by the publisher, is "unconditional love." His publishing company's niche is the special needs market, so my little person is a child with CP. The dog, obviously, could care less about her disability. Get it? Unconditional love!
I'm already thinking ahead to the next book in the series. The real-life Taz--not her literary counterpart--is a very wired animal, probably not the best pet for a frail child. It had occurred to me that the other animal in my household, Zuzu the ferret, would actually make a better companion for a child with a disability...but that wasn't the challenge I was given. Still, I'm thinking, why not a book about both? As in: we can be very different and still get along. (If I don't come up with that as a theme on my own, the publisher is for sure going to suggest it pretty soon.)
Here's a snapshot of Taz and Zuzu "getting along." Actually, Zuzu is probably thinking, get your blasted leg off my neck, you big lug! I want to go steal some of your dog food and run under the bureau where you can't get me and eat it in peace. But that's in real life. In the parallel universe of literary fiction, Zuzu crawled under there on purpose and is taking a cozy nap with her best friend. Man oh man, I love being a writer!