
Tonight I went to Polish Night at St. Stanislaus Church Social Center in Chicopee, Massachusetts. The evening began with a polka Mass in the church--Lenny Gomulka and Chicago Push up in the choir playing live. They did "Let's All Sing," "Alleluia," and "It's No Secret" to a polka beat, "Under the Sky Above" as a waltz, and several other hymns and songs. They sang the Lord's Prayer to the tune of "Jak Szybko Mijaja Chwile," and closed with "God Bless America" and "Jeszcze Polska Nie Zginęła" (the Polish National Anthem) as recessionals. Plenty of clarinet and accordion. It was...interesting.
After the Mass, we walked next door to the Social Center for dinner and dancing to Lenny Gomulka's band. Dinner consisted of--surprise, surprise--kiełbasa, kapusta, pierogi, gołumbki, and rye bread. Cousin Joanne and I didn't join in the dancing, although there were several pairs of women having a great time together. Too bad we didn't think to wear our matching silver and gold snakeskin-print pants!