I'm so excited! Today my poster of the Taiwan Weather Girls, autographed by Kitty, came in the mail. This poster is the first thing I've won since I was a little girl and won a stuffed elephant in a contest from a children's magazine. They delivered my prize to a toy store at the "X," about a mile from me, and I walked there to pick it up. The elephant was gaily decorated with a headdress and tasseled blanket. He seemed so huge; I held him clasped in front of me all the way home.
Which reminds me. Where is my elephant, Mom?
But anyway. The Weather Girls are from Taiwan; there's a different girl for each day of the week. One or two autographed posters are given away each week to facebook fans commenting on which Weather Girl is their favorite. Kitty is the Sunday Weather Girl.
The Weather Girls may be found on NMATV (Next Media Animation TV), which is the largest full-service 3D animation studio in Asia. Their animated newsreels are funny and informative. The Weather Girls are an added bonus. Just don't go to them for the actual weather! It's right there on the green screen, but with the Weather Girl-of-the-day hopping and dancing around, impossible to focus on it.
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