Sick Ferret

Well, it's Groundhog Day. I haven't got a groundhog, but I've got a ferret. A sick ferret.
Forty-eight hours ago, Zuzu was fine. Eating, drinking, stealing the dog's food, hopping and dooking. But yesterday she was listless and dazed. Not drinking and not urinating. Making off with a chunk of Science Diet, beginning to crunch it down to manageable pieces on the rug, but then losing interest. Constipated. Noticeably bonier after just one day.
Naturally, her vet was not in the office today. And most other offices won't see a ferret any day of the week. So it was off all the way to South Hadley. The clinic there comes highly recommended by Donna Spirito of The Educated Ferret, a South Hadley ferret shelter.
After much poking and prodding, saline injections, x-rays, and the dispensing of three prescription medications, Zuzu was sent home. She's drinking water, anyway, and at a couple of points took a bit of baby food. Otherwise, just sleeping.
It was a brilliantly sunny day today, and Zuzu was outside. I guess she saw her shadow, or would've, if she'd stuck her head out of the carrier. Groundhogs aren't even native to Massachusetts, so it's not as if any poked their heads out-of-ground around here. Zuzu's about as good as we've got.
So I'm guessing we'll have eight more weeks of winter. But since this winter is fairly spring-like, I'm not terribly worried. About the weather, that is. For Zuzu, I'm saying a little prayer.
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